Visual Studio Mac Github

  1. Feb 27, 2020 Now click on the “Sync” tab and it will open a new tab. There, you will see “Publish to GitHub” & “Push to Azure DevOps Services” & “Push to Remote Repository”. Now click on “Publish to GitHub”. You can also see your project name and branch in the bottom of Visual Studio.
  2. Open the GitHub pane by typing GitHub into Visual Studio Quick Launch (Ctrl+Q). Create Pull Requests from Visual Studio Turn a branch into a Pull Request directly from Visual Studio. In the GitHub pane, click the Create New link to create a new Pull Request on GitHub.
  1. Microsoft Visual Studio Mac
  2. Visual Studio And Github Tutorial
  3. Visual Studio Mac Github Download
  4. Connect Visual Studio To Github
  5. Visual Studio For Mac Github

Open in GitHub Desktop from VS Code.

View Pull Requests in Visual Studio. View all of the Pull Requests for your project in the GitHub pane, and sort and filter them by Open/Closed state, Assignee and Author. Open the GitHub pane by typing GitHub into Visual Studio Quick Launch (Ctrl+Q).


  • Open in GitHub Desktop from command pallete.
  • Open in GitHub Desktop from status bar.


  • GitHub Desktop has been installed.



0. ⬇️ Install Open In GitHub Desktop

Show extension side bar within VS Code(Mac:Command+Shift+X, Windows and Linux: Ctrl+Shift+X), type open-in-github-desktop and press Enter and click Install. Restart VS Code when installation is completed.

1. ➡️ Open In GitHub Desktop

Click item( see screen shot above ) in statub bar or launch Command Palette(Mac:F1 or Shift+Command+P, Windows and Linux: F1 or Shift+Ctrl+P), Execute Open In GitHub Desktop command.

2. 🔧 Next step

You can change settings by settings.json.



  • Open In GitHub Desktop : Open in GitHub Desktop from VS Code.

Extension Settings

This extension contributes the following settings by settings.json( Mac: Command+, Windows / Linux: File -> Preferences -> User Settings ):

  • openInGithubDesktop.traversalSearchGitConfig: '.git/config' is also searched from parent folders.
  • openInGithubDesktop.traversalSearchGitConfigForCurrentDocument: '.git/config' is searched from parent folders of the currently open text file.
  • openInGithubDesktop.statusBar.Label: Label on status bar. Requires a restart to take effect.
  • openInGithubDesktop.statusBar.Alignment: Alignment on status bar. Requires a restart to take effect.
  • openInGithubDesktop.diagnosticWarning: Warning display when there are error or warning.
  • openInGithubDesktop.unsavedWarning: Warning display when there are unsaved existing files.

You can embed icons in the label text by leveraging the syntax:

My text $(icon-name) contains icons like $(icon'name) this one.

Where the icon-name is taken from the octicon icon set, e.g. light-bulb, thumbsup, zap etc.

You can specify unicode characters ( include emoji ) as label text too.

Visual Studio Mac Github

Keyboard shortcut Settings

Microsoft Visual Studio Mac

In default, Open In GitHub Desktop's commands doesn't apply keyboard shortcuts. Althogh,you can apply keyboard shortcuts by keybindings.json( Mac: Code -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts, Windows / Linux: File -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts).

Command name on keybindings.json is diffarent from on Command Pallete. See below table.

Visual Studio Mac Github
on Command Palleteon keybindings.json
Open In GitHub DesktopopenInGithubDesktop

Release Notes

see ChangLog on marketplace or github



Other extensions of wraith13's work

Bracket LensShow bracket header on closing bracket.
Background Phi ColorsThis extension colors the background in various ways.
Zoom BarZoom UI in status bar for VS Code.

See all wraith13's expansions:

Home / Getting Started with GitHub using Visual Studio 2019


GitHub has grown from being a fledgling source control provider into a formidable DevOps solution in just a few short years. Along with the portal experience, GitHub provides great integration for apps like Visual Studio to deliver a superior experience integrated within the environments developers spend their days in. In this lab, you’ll learn about GitHub support in Visual Studio 2019.

If you’d like to learn more about the basics of Git, please check out this lab.


In order to complete this lab you will need the Azure DevOps Server 2019 virtual machine provided by Microsoft. Click the button below to launch the virtual machine on the Microsoft Hands-on-Labs portal.

Alternatively, you can download the virtual machine from here.

Visual Studio And Github Tutorial

Exercise 1: Getting Started with GitHub using Visual Studio 2019

Visual Studio Mac Github Download

Task 1: Setting up a GitHub project

  1. Log in as Sachin Raj (VSALMSachin). All user passwords are P2ssw0rd.

  2. Install Google Chrome from GitHub does not support Internet Explorer, so use Chrome for the remainder of this lab.

  3. Fork the project at into your own account.

  4. Select the Settings tab.

  5. Enable Issues by checking its box.

  6. Select the Issues tab.

  7. Click New issue.

  8. Create a new issue called “Update to v2.0” and click Submit new issue. Fixing this issue will be the focus of this lab.

  9. Note the ID of the newly created issue.

Task 2: Cloning and configuring a GitHub project in Visual Studio

  1. Open Visual Studio.

  2. Click Continue without code. Note that you also have the option to start the cloning experience from the welcome dialog.

  3. From Team Explorer, click the Manage Connections button.

  4. Under GitHub, click Connect. Complete the process to sign in to your GitHub account.

  5. Click Clone.

  6. Select the project cloned earlier and click Clone.

  7. After logging in, Team Explorer lights up with a variety of shortcuts and features to make your experience with GitHub as seamless as possible. Many of the buttons are shortcuts to the GitHub portal page for this project, such as Pulse, Graphs, and Wiki. Click Settings.

  8. You can configure settings at two levels. Click Global Settings to review those first.

  9. The Global Settings view provides a way for you to set global defaults that apply to all projects. In this case, the User Name and Email Address are already configured. However, you may want to change them for your instance. Click the Back button.

  10. Click Repository Settings.

  11. These settings are specific to the current project. Click the Home button.

Connect Visual Studio To Github


Task 3: Exploring GitHub version control integration

  1. To get started on the work item created earlier, click Branches. The work will be done on a separate branch and merged in after a review.

  2. Right-click the master branch and select New Local Branch From.

  3. Set the name to “dev” and click Create Branch.

  4. The new branch will be checked out after creation. Note that you can see the current branch and perform common options using the button at the bottom of the window.

  5. Right-click the dev branch and select Push Branch. This will push the locally created branch to the server.

  6. From Solution Explorer, search for “_layout” and open the _Layout.cshtml from the PartsUnlimitedWebsite project.

  7. Add “v2.0” to the h1 tag text and Save the file.

  8. In Team Explorer, switch to Changes.

  9. The source change made earlier will be shown here. Enter a commit message of “Updated to v2.0” and select Commit All | Commit All and Sync. This will commit your change and push it to the server.

Task 4: Exploring GitHub pull request integration

Visual Studio For Mac Github

  1. Although the dev branch has been updated with the necessary change, it still needs to work its way back in to the master. This can be done with a pull request. Click the Home button.

  2. Click Pull Requests to start the pull request process.

  3. Click Create New to create a new pull request.

  4. Set the branch to merge into to master from your project. Note that it will default to the Microsoft project, which you do not want to use. Set the comment to “Fixes #1.”. Note that you may need to replace the #1 with the ID created earlier if it were different. By tagging the pull request with the issue ID, you can automate closing the issue later on when the request is merged. Click Create pull request.

  5. From the project dropdown, select the forked version in your GitHub account.

  6. The newly created pull request will be visible. Double-click it to open.

  7. The pull request view includes all the information you need to review changes and make comments. Double-click _Layout.cshtml to open it in the diff viewer.

  8. The diff viewer makes it easy to understand what changes were made and where.

  9. You can also leave line-level comments. Click the Add Comment button at the changed line and add a comment. Click Start a review.

  10. Your review is now visible as part of the pull request. Click Continue your review.

  11. Enter a review summary and select Submit review | Comment only.

  12. In the GitHub browser window, select the Pull requests tab.

  13. Click the pull request to open it.

  14. All of the information added from Visual Studio is visible in the pull request. Others can comment or review the changes as well. Click Resolve conversation to resolve the comment left during your review.

  15. Click Merge pull request.

  16. Confirm the merge.

  17. Navigate back to the Issues tab. Note that the issue created earlier has been closed now that the pull request was approved.